To get author first name wordpress, there are a couple of things you need to know. The first is that WordPress users have several blognez different handles, including a nickname, first name, and last name. Publicly displaying one of these is the most common way to get it out there. Most WordPress themes display it right under the post title, while others will place it at the bottom. If you’ve never changed your nickname, don’t worry; WordPress will keep it.
The get_the-author_meta() function in WordPress allows you to retrieve specific author information. Each user has a large amount of metadata realestatespro associated with them. You can find this metadata in the user profile page or implicitly determined by the user ID. Metadata includes e-mail address, role, ID, and number of plug-ins displayed per page. The documentation for the get_the_author_meta() function lists the names of these fields.
Previously, you could use the get_author_name() function to get the author’s first name and last name. However, you’re better off using the get_author_meta() function instead. It does the same thing, but displays the author’s first name in a different format. If you want to get author first name wordpress, make sure you use the new get_author_meta() function instead.
To change the display nupedia name, simply go to the settings for your user account. Click “Edit Profile” and change your display name to something else. This will make the name you choose for public display appear next to “Howdy” in the toolbar. Posts will show your full name when you’re signed in as an author. If you ever need to change your display name, you can do this anytime. The only disadvantage is that you can’t use the same name in multiple places.
One reason you might want to change your author name is if you have more than one author. Some major bloggers like to take credit for everything they do. However, if you have many different articles on your website, it wouldn’t make much sense to list just one author. If you change your name, you can also change your bio and add a profile picture. This is all dietxnutrition done under the “Your Profile” option, but it can be difficult to see if you’re a freelance author.